The [unofficial] results are in!
We finished 6th overall, with the top 10 teams being:
1st place Oregon State University
2nd place Technical University of Munich
3rd place Universitat Stuttgart
4th place Graz University of Technology
5th place University of Wisconsin Madison
6th place University of Michigan Ann Arbor
7th place UAS Zwickau
8th place University of Akron
9th place University of Kansas
10th place University of Applied Sciences Graz
As for the individual events, we placed as follows:
Design: 7th
Acceleration: 3rd
Skidpad: 13th
Autocross 15th
Endurance: 4th
Cost: 13th
Presentation: 27th
Thanks to extensive engine simulation work we were also awarded an FEV Spirit of Innovation Award.
We would like to thank the alumni association for the delicious dinner provided on Friday night as well as all of the alumni and sponsors who showed up to support us.
And a big thank you to all of our sponsors who made this season possible. It is only with your continued support that we are able to carry on a winning tradition as a top 10 Formula SAE team.
For the next couple months the team will be preparing the 2011 car for competition at Formula Student Germany in August, while beginning design on the 2012 MRacing Wolverine.